Hedging Key Intel Report
Hedging Keys
Personal Hedge Fund
Hedging Keys are basically equity indices hedged (purchased in combination to form a portfolio) with a financial, metal, or energy instrument. On some occasions it could be blended with a currency. Because it is hedged, it has the potential to be profitable in both up and down markets. The overall target for this Key group is above 40% APR. All Hedging Keys are currently above 94% APR. This Key group is priced at $29.95 per month.
A Balanced Portfolio
This portfolio typically moves in the same direction for months, if not years. What really makes this so effective is that the hedge instrument is truly diverse and is not just a hedge, but a contributor. A lot of the time the hedging instrument can outperform the equity index.
The strategy performed outstandingly during 9/11. Most of the success could be contributed to the fact that 9/11 occurred during a strong seasonal pattern. It also performed well during the 2008 market crash. But it ran into serious problems during the 2009 recovery. The system was designed to provide predictive signals based in historical data and proprietary trending models. The models were and still are valid. The models provided an accurate calculated probability; the problem was the models were used to LEAD the market and not FOLLOW the market. Corrections were made and the systems performed extremely well with Covid and the rapid market recovery.
July is the Key’s best month.
A Time-Tested Strategy with over an 85 Year History
The bases of this strategy dates back to the 1930’s with a successful track record. We do have other Keys that outperform, but have nothing close to the success or stability of this strategy. We have been developing and analyzing systems for over 20 years, this is the best we have seen ANYWHERE. If you are a stock investor, you should have some percent of your equity’s budget allocated to this plan. This plan can and has made money during a bear stock market.
You will get hit, have a plan
Because we are constantly evaluating best performing indices and hedge instrument, the system really does not have many dangers. On rare occasions both sides (equity index and hedge instrument) of the strategy can be losing money. When that happens, it is suggested to just sit on the sideline and let the market figure out a direction.
Calculated Probabilities
The 21-year APR is above 45% for each year
2023 APR target is above 40%
It has an 87% probability of being profitable for 2023