Unlock your potential to double your account

If you are an investor or just saving your money, we have a Key for you. We develop Investing Keys ranging from Stock Investing to Savings Accounts. This year some Keys have already doubled, and all savings Keys are receiving over 5% APY.

How did a $10,000 account grow to over $44,000 in just six Months!? Nasdaq 100

Come see why we call it – The Secretariat of Equity Investing

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I could have my own hedge fund!?

Yes, you can, and it is not as expensive or complicated as you may think.

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Graduation Season is still here, we have the perfect gift.


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Did you know AI stocks were up over 80%, Nasdaq almost 40% for the first half of 2023? Do you know how to monetize market information?

August 18, 2023

Performance Results

Please review the current performance of our leading Keys for Hedging and Aggressive Investing (Agg). We have also included the performance of the top Equity Indices and Hedging instruments for comparison.

Click the Instrument name to view our Intel Report.

Hedging Key Annual Target is 40% APR

Aggressive Investing Key Annual Target is 100% APR

Inst. 1 Yr % YTD % 10K YTD MTD %
Hedge Key 16.8% 34.5% $13,454 -11.6%
Agg Key 53.9% 161.8% $26,182 -35.1%
US Major Equity Indices
NQ 10.8% 32.4% $13,236 -7.0%
ES 5.2% 12.5% $11,253 -5.0%
YM 5.2% 3.1% $10,306 -3.2%
RTY -3.3% 4.4% $10,438 -7.4%
RS1 4.7% 12.4% $11,237 -5.3%
RSG 7.7% 23.6% $12,359 -6.1%
RSV 1.6% 1.9% $10,192 -4.2%
Global Equity Indices
SMIM -7.6% 6.5% $10,645 -5.6%
DAX 14.1% 10.5% $11,046 -5.6%
Z -2.2% -2.4% $9,760 -5.4%
NKD 12.5% 22.6% $12,264 -5.5%
Hedge Instruments
GC 6.0% 2.2% $10,217 -4.6%
RB 13.7% 8.7% $10,868 -2.5%
CL -8.0% 1.3% $10,131 -0.7%
ZB -15.3% -5.4% $9,457 -4.2%
GBX -28.6% -3.3% $9,665 -3.5%
R -21.6% -8.0% $9,200 -4.4%
Currency Instruments
_6S 6.0% 3.3% $10,327 -1.4%
_6M 19.9% 17.4% $11,742 -1.5%
_6E 4.0% 0.7% $10,070 -1.2%
_6B 3.9% 5.3% $10,527 -0.7%
_6J -9.2% -11.6% $8,845 -2.4%
_6N -7.5% -6.5% $9,349 -4.6%
_6C -5.6% -0.2% $9,978 -2.8%
_6A -9.7% -6.4% $9,356 -4.7%
DX -1.3% 0.4% $10,037 1.6%
Sector Instruments
IXE 27.4% 6.5% $10,647 1.1%
IXM -0.6% -2.0% $9,796 -4.3%
IXT 13.3% 33.8% $13,382 -7.9%
IXB 11.1% 10.3% $11,032 -6.1%
IXU -14.0% -9.1% $9,085 -5.8%
IXI 11.7% 9.2% $10,919 -4.1%
IXR -2.0% -3.6% $9,636 -4.0%
IXY -1.1% 24.5% $12,447 -6.8%
IXV 2.7% -0.6% $9,938 -0.9%
IXRE -16.6% -3.7% $9,631 -5.6%

August 1st 2023

Current Bank Rates

See a $10,000 base savings account return after 10 years. Compare it to the returns you could receive after applying our Key. Click the Bank name for details.

 Bank Base Savings 10k 10Yr Return Unlocked 10k Return Unlocked Rate Allow Auto
Chase 0.01% $10 >$6,868 >5.2% No
BofA 0.01% $10 >$6,868 >5.2% No
Citi 4.05% $4,800 >$1,800 >5.1% No
Wells Fargo 0.15% $151 >$6,635 >5.0% No
Goldman Sachs 4.15% $5,133 >$1,162 >1.0% No
Morgan Stanley 0.02% $20 >$6,852 >5.1% Yes
U.S. Bank 0.01% $10 >$6,868 >5.2% No
PNC 0.02% $20 >$6,852 >5.1% No
Truist Bank 0.01% $10 >$6,868 >5.2% No
Charles Schwab 0.48% $492 >$6,097 >4.7% Soon
Capital One 4.30% $5,745 >$1,155 >1.0% No


If your bank is not listed, please let us know. Priority will be given to the most requests.

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